Bennie Mosher

Father. Husband. Problem Solver. Software Engineer.

My Personal Site

Originally my personal website was done using WordPress. At the time, I was pumping out Wordpress sites in my sleep so this seemed logical for me. However, in the last year or so I have come to realize that WordPress is extremely complicated for a simple four page website ran by a software engineer. Due to that, I decided to step away from WordPress for my personal site and started using Jekyll, which then transitioned into, and I have finally landed on Middleman to help me generate a static site. The github link is here.

Others Soon

Over the years I have worked on numerous products that I would love to sit and chat about, but unfortunately their code is their IP and I can not legally share it publicly here. With that being in mind, I have made it a recent mission to work towards having some up to date OSS examples to show my skills.